Special Edition: 40 Things I Know about God on My 40th Birthday

  1. He is One God in Three Persons, The Holy Trinity:

2. God is the Creator of all things; He was not created. [Is. 40:28; (Is. 43:15)]

3. God is Infinite, Eternal, Everlasting. [Job 36:26; I John 1:1; Deut. 33:27; Gen. 21:33]

4. God is Sustainer — He holds everything together and keeps it all going. [Psalm 55:2; Col. 1:17; Heb. 1:3]

5. God is Omnipotent (All-Powerful). [Jer. 32:17,18,26,27]

6. God is Omniscient (All-Knowing). [Psalm 139:1-6]

7. God is Omnipresent (Ever-Present). [Psalm 139:7-12]

8. God is Elohim, “supreme power & strength.” [Gen. 17:7-8]

9. God is Jehovah – He possesses all authority [Ex. 3:13-15; Matt. 28:18; John 19:11]

10. God is Jehovah-M’Kadesh, “the God who sanctifies” [Lev. 20:7,8]

11. God is Jehovah-jireh, “the God who provides.” [Gen. 22:9-14]

12. God is Jehovah-shalom, “the God of peace.” [Judges 6:22-24]

13. God is Jehovah-rophe, “Jehovah heals.” [Ex. 15:22-26]

14. God is Jehovah-nissi, “God our banner.” [Ex. 17:8-15; (I Cor. 15:57)]

15. God is El-Shaddai, “God Almighty.” [Gen. 17:1]

16. God is Immutable – He’s unchanging. [Psalm 102:25-28; Heb. 13:8]

17. God cannot lie; He is True and the Truth. [Heb. 6:17-19; Jer. 10:10; I John 5:20; John 14:6]

18. God is Perfect. [Matt. 5:48]

19. God is Sovereign. [I Chr. 29:11-13]

20. God is Adonai, “Master, Lord” — King of kings and Lord of lords. [Gen. 15:2; Is. 43:15; Rev. 17:14]

21. God is Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, Ancient of Days. [Is. 46:9-11; Rev. 1:8; Rev. 22:13; Is. 43:12-13; Dan. 7:9-10]

22. God is Self-sufficient & Self-existent. [Acts 17:24-28; Is. 43:10-13; Col. 1:15-18]

23. God is Transcendent. [Ps. 113:4-6]

24. God is Glorious. [I Chr. 29:11-13; Psalm 72:19; James 2:1]

25. God is Just. [Ps. 75:1-7; Deut. 32:4]

26. God is Righteous. [Ps. 35:24; Ps. 36:6]

27. God is Wrathful. [Nahum 1:2; John 3:36]

28. God is Merciful. [Deut. 4:29-31; James 5:11; Jonah 3:10]

29. God is Compassionate. [Deut. 4:31; James 5:11]

30. God is Full of Grace. [John 1:14-16]

31. God is Patient. [II Peter 3:9]

32. God is slow to anger. [Nahum 1:3]

33. God is Personal. [Rom. 15:3]

34. God is our Comforter. [II Cor. 1:3,4; Is. 49:13]

35. God is Faithful. [Ps. 89:1-8]

36. God is Wise. [Prov. 3:19,20]

37. God is Worthy. [Psalm 18:3; Rev. 4:11]

38. God is Good. [Ps. 119:65; Mark 10:18]

39. God is Love.

[I John 4:7-10; Jer. 31:3; Rom. 5:8]

40. God is Holy.

[Rev. 4:8; Is. 43:15]

*I consulted navigators.org, thegospelcoalition.org, and blueletterbible.org as I compiled this list.

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