Proverbs 30-31

Highlighted verses from Proverbs 30-31 for July 30th-31st

Proverbial Summer:
Daily Highlights

*For a menu/calendar of the whole reading plan, click here.

July 30 / Proverbs 30

To read Proverbs 30, click here.

For more from UnpostedLife about Proverbs 30:

July 31 / Proverbs 31

To read Proverbs 31, click here.

People tend to get the wrong idea about the “Proverbs 31 Woman.” It’s not what she does that should get our attention, but WHO SHE IS, which is shown in the how & why of what she does. Basically, she is a woman who lives out the wisdom of the previous 30 chapters of Proverbs! I may never (will never!) have maidens to provide portions for, put my hands to the distaff & hold the spindle, or deliver sashes to the merchant, yet I can live out my 21st-century days applying biblical wisdom to each part of my life, starting with my marriage.

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