Nine-Star Review

Philippians: Shine Like Stars – DAY 10
Family Discussions for a New School Year

A review of the first nine days (with games & activities)

*For previous days, click here.

Philippians 1:1-6
Nine-Star Review

“Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus,

To all God’s holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons:

2Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

3I thank my God every time I remember you. 4In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, 6being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 1:1-6 (NIV)

*Click here to read this in NIrV, NLT, or ESV.

The following is a review of the first nine days of our Philippians: Shine Like Stars family discussions. Also included are games & activities relating to each day’s topics.

DAY 1: Paul & Timothy & Their Letter

The apostle Paul & his close friend & helper, Timothy, wrote a letter to fellow Christians in Philippi. We have proof this letter existed because there are many copies of it in existence today.

*To revisit DAY 1, click here.

Special Delivery Activity

Have your kids write a verse from Philippians on stationery (or a notecard or scrap paper) then place it in an envelope or roll it up, scroll style. Get them to address it to the Philippian Church from Paul & Timothy. They can keep it or share it. Parents can also join in!

Preschool Version:

Write “Grace & peace to you!” on a piece of paper or notecard & put it in an envelope. Address it: “To: The Philippians; From: Paul & Timothy.” Let your preschooler have fun “delivering” the letter to family members & opening it for themselves.

DAY 2: Servants of Christ Jesus

Paul & Timothy described themselves as servants of Christ Jesus. Servants of Christ sacrifice time, money, comfort, pleasure, plans, energy, & even dignity.

*To revisit DAY 2, click here.

Foot Washin’ Activity

Have your fam wash each other’s feet. Yep. It’s a simple but effective aid for the lesson of serving!

Preschool Extra:

Littles could help pretend to “serve” you at the table. If you want to emphasize following Jesus, play a game of “Following the Leader.”

*Click here for game instructions & rules.

DAY 3: All God’s Holy People

God's holy people, also known as saints, are set apart from everyone else because of their faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior & Lord. They are to look different to others because they act differently from others. God's holy people give thanks to God!

*To revisit DAY 3, click here.

Virtue-All Dress Up

For Colossians 3:12-14, gather six articles of clothing and/or accessories to represent compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, and forgiveness, and one coat to represent the love that goes “over all these virtues.” Dress a family member up in these “virtues.”

DAY 4: Overseers & Deacons, Grace & Peace

Overseers & deacons are church leaders who are expected to have and maintain good, godly character & lifestyles. Grace is favor that we did not earn, a good gift from God that we don't deserve. Peace is rest & contentment in Christ.

*To revisit DAY 4, click here.

Give Each Other Grace

Have your older children (or yourself) write “grace: favor that you did not earn; a good gift you don’t deserve” on a notecard. Wrap the notecard up as a gift. Give the “gift” to each other to unwrap, illustrating that grace is like a gift. You can practice giving each other “grace.” You could also label it “To: You / From: God” to illustrate God’s grace to us in salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9).

DAY 5: God Our Father & the Lord Jesus Christ

The God of the Bible, the One & Only God, is a relational God. He wants to adopt us into His family so He can be our heavenly Father. Jesus wants to free us from our slavery to sin so He can be our Lord & Master, our Boss who is also our Best Friend… if we do what He commands: Love each other.

*To revisit DAY 5, click here.

Simon Says/Jesus Says

Play a game of Simon Says. Afterwards, read John 15:14: Jesus said, “You are My friends if you do what I command.” Say: “Like in Simon Says, what Jesus says, we are to do! Jesus says, ‘This is My command: Love each other,’ (John 15:17).”

DAY 6: Thank God for You

The apostle Paul thanked God for people all the time. Though he was especially thankful for believers in Christ, he urged us to also pray & be thankful for unbelievers.

*To revisit DAY 6, click here.

The “Thank You” Game

Play the “Thank You” game. Have family members collect random items from around the house, stick them in a box or bag, and “gift” them to each other. The winner is the person who gives the best “Thank You” upon receipt of their “gift.” [Our fam has played this near Christmas time to practice our “thank yous” for gifts we may or may not like. Random items “given” have included boxes of tissues, paper towel rolls, & even old underwear.] Close out the game with a prayer of thanks, by name, for each family member.

DAY 7: In All My Prayers

Paul sets a good example for us by praying a lot, especially for his fellow believers, and by being thankful for them.

*To revisit DAY 7, click here.

The Lord’s Prayer

Select a version of The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) to memorize together as a family.

DAY 8: Always Pray with Joy

Paul prayed a lot of prayers for a lot of people, and he prayed them with joy.

*To revisit DAY 8, click here.

Joy List

Encourage each member of your family to start a prayer list. [I had one in the back of my journal in high school & college.] Write a name, then something you are thankful for about that person — something that makes you think of them with joy. Try to pray for at least one person off that list each day.

Preschool Extra:

Sing the “I’ve Got the Joy, Joy, Joy” song together.

DAY 9: Confident of This

Paul was confident that God, who began the good work of the gospel in the Philippian church, would carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

*To revisit DAY 9, click here.

Gospel Cards

Have family members write one point each from The Gospel Paul Preached summary (below) on individual index cards (or sheets of paper). Tape them together in the order your family decides makes sense as a gospel presentation.

  • Jesus Christ is the Son of God. (Acts 9:20)
  • Christ died for our sins. (I Cor. 15:3)
  • He was buried. (I Cor. 15:4)
  • He was raised on the 3rd day. (I Cor. 15:4)
  • Christ appeared multiple times. (I Cor. 15:5-8)
  • All of this was done according to the (Old Testament) Scriptures. (I Cor. 15:3,4)
  • Through Jesus our sins can be forgiven. (Acts 13:38)
  • Through Him everyone who believes is set free from every sin. (Acts 13:39)

Preschool Extra #1: The Gospel with Motions (from Acts 9:20 & I Cor. 15)

Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”Raise both hands straight up, above your head.
Jesus came down to earth.”Lower hands down to your sides.
Jesus died for our sins.”Stretch your arms out like Jesus on the cross.
Jesus was buried.”Bow your head down & cover your head with your hands.
Jesus was raised! Yay!”Take your hands off your head & lift up your head.

Preschool Extra #2: “Jesus Appeared!” Peek-a-Boo (from I Cor. 15)

DIRECTIONS: Every time you say, “Jesus appeared,” hide your face with your hands (as in Peek-a-Boo). When you say, “to…”, uncover your face.

  • “Jesus appeared… to Peter.”
  • “Jesus appeared… to Twelve.”
  • “Jesus appeared… to 500.”
  • “Jesus appeared… to James.”
  • “Jesus appeared… to apostles.”
  • “Jesus appeared… to Paul.”


*For the full Philippians prayer, click here.

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