We Are All Glory Seekers

“How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory that comes from the only God?” John 5:44 (ESV) Six Summer Weeks in JohnWeek 2, Day 11: John 5:1-47 *Click here for other Six Summer Weeks in John posts. Humans seek glory. What is glory? Glory: praise, honor, … Read more

Love Is Obeying Jesus

Love is choosing & doing what is right according to God’s Word, NOT deciding what is right based on how you feel!!! We are continuing our look into the biblical meaning of love. Our previous Scripturewise posts addressed feelings, acceptance, and truth: Love Is Not (Just) a Feeling! Love Does Not Equal Acceptance Love Rejoices … Read more

Love Rejoices with the Truth

“Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.” – I Corinthians 13:6 (NIV) Before we dive into our topic for today, I’m going to review the subjects of our first two posts about biblical love: Love Is Not (Just) a Feeling! & Love Does Not Equal Acceptance. Feelings, Acceptance & Truth “If … Read more

Love Does Not Equal Acceptance

Love is not just making everyone feel good about themselves!!! In our previous post, Love Is Not (Just) a Feeling!, we saw that biblical love is more about choosing to commit to someone and to what is in their best interest and less about the intense, exciting feelings we associate with falling in love. We’ll … Read more