Watch Out for Whom?

Paul reminds the Philippian Christians to “watch out.” Our question for today is: Watch out for whom? [This discussion can be read aloud in 8 min.] Philippians: Shine Like Stars – DAY 67Family Discussions for the New Year *For a menu of all days, click here. DAY 67/MONDAYPhilippians 3:2Watch Out for Whom? “Further, my brothers … Read more

Rejoice in the Lord!

Paul, writing from prison, repeatedly tells his Philippian brothers- and sisters-in-Christ to rejoice in the Lord! Philippians: Shine Like Stars – DAY 64Family Discussions for the New Year *For a menu of all days, click here. DAY 64/TUESDAYPhilippians 3:1Rejoice in the Lord! “Further, my brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord! It is no trouble … Read more

Rejoice & Watch Out

Paul tells his Philippian brothers- and sisters-in-Christ to rejoice & watch out. [This discussion can be read in 6 1/2 min.] Philippians: Shine Like Stars – DAY 63Family Discussions for the New Year *For a menu of all days, click here. DAY 63/MONDAYPhilippians 3:1-9Rejoice & Watch Out “Further, my brothers and sisters, rejoice in the … Read more